The Mentoring Effect: Young People’s Perspectives on the Outcomes and Availability of Mentoring
Our next event in Ieper, Belgium
On 18 September 2019, we are organising the European workshop “Validation of non-formal experience deriving from mentoring schemes of students/youth with disabilities and [...]
VM-PRO piloting has be successfully completed in Turkey
Piloting period: November 2018 – June 2019 Number of pilot sessions: 16 Number of piloters: 60 (30 mentors and 30 mentees) Age distribution: 18-29 Cooperated institutions [...]
Florence, ASD MENTOR NET, july 26-27, 2019
MENTOR NET is a tennis club founded and directed by Matteo Perchiazzi…..founder and director of Italian School of Mentoring too. CSEN is an institution recognized by the [...]
Florence, july 7-8 , 2019 – Regional Congress of ANEP (National Association of Professional Educators)
ANEP is a cultural association established in 1992, with the aim of promoting the figure of the Professional Educator, and aims to represent Professional Educators, to [...]
VM-PRO project was presented during the International conference
VM-PRO project was presented during the International conference “Building A Youth Community Including Through Free Time Activities” held in Plovidv on 5th July, [...]
Piloting session with mentors, who are working with youth with disabilities
On 4th July in Plovdiv, Marie Curie Association organized piloting session with mentors, who are working with youth with [...]
Central Regional Council: a new convention for employees with disabilities
François Bonneau, president of the Centre region, signed an agreement of objectives with the FIPHFP (Fonds d’Insertion des Personnes handicapées de la Fonction [...]
International Meeting with NGO’s from Argentina & Germany – Berlin 16-30 June 2019
Bruno Motti, as Mosaico association representative, took part to the meeting with some project coordinators and school’s representatives from Argentina and Germany. The [...]